Our Team

Steering Committee 

Principal Investigators: Hannah C. Glass, MDCM, MAS and Renée A. Shellhaas, MD, MS

Site PIs: Cameron Thomas, MD, MS and Janet Soul, MDCM

External Advisor: John Barks, MD

Parent Representative: Katie Means


The NSR Investigators

University of California, San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital

Hannah C. Glass, MDCM, MAS

Principal Investigator

NSR Co-Founder

Linda Franck, RN, PhD, FAAN

Parent Well-Being Core

Adam Numis, MD

Site Investigator

Charles McCulloch, PhD




[Photo Pending]

Yi Li, MD



[Photo Pending]

Elizabeth Rogers, MD

Washington University, St. Louis Children's Hospital (not an active recruiting site)

Renée A. Shellhaas, MD, MS

Principal Investigator

NSR Co-Founder



University of Michigan, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital

Giulia Benedetti, MD

Site Investigator

Jennifer Larson, PhD

Neurodevelopmental Core

Julie Sturza


Children's National Medical Center, Children's National Hospital

Tammy Tsuchida, MD, PhD

Site Investigator

Tayyba Anwar, MD

Site Investigator

Madison Berl PhD

Site Investigator

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Nicholas Abend, MD, MSCE

Site Investigator

Shavonne Massey, MD, MSCE

Site Investigator


Boston Children's Hospital

Janet Soul, MD

Site Investigator



Duke University, Duke Children's Hospital

Monica Lemmon, MD

Site Investigator



Massachusetts General Hospital

Catherine Chu, MD

Site Investigator



UC Davis Medical Center (not an active recruiting site)

Courtney Wusthoff, MD

Site Investigator



Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center


[Photo Pending]

Cameron Thomas, MD, MS

Site Investigator





Stanford University, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital


[Photo Pending]

Sonia Bonifacio, MD

Site Investigator





We honor the memory of Dr. Taeun Chang, whose involvement and contributions helped bring multiple NSR publications, presentations, and grants to fruition.  



 Other Key Participants

The Neonatal Seizure Registry is an active collaborative with key participants and advisors from around the globe, as well as one or more clinical research coordinators at each participating site. This work is also made possible through the support of our funders: