Parent Partner Advisory Panel
From the beginning, NSR has included both clinicians and Parent Partners, who represent the interests of families with children who have experienced neonatal seizures. The Parent Panel is comprised of parents representing each study site as well as parents from our community partners. Parent and community stakeholders advise the NSR investigators on the concept, design, and conduct of the studies. The role of the Parent Partner Advisory Panel is to advise the study investigators on:
- Study design, data collection methods and instruments, especially with respect to whether the items are relevant to participants, culturally appropriate, and easy to use
- Interpretation of study data with respect to the lived experiences of, and meaning for, affected parents, families, and communities
- Identification of opportunities and recommendations for sharing study findings to raise awareness and improve healthcare delivery for children with neonatal seizures and their families
This collaboration provides crucial insight for the aims and designs of NSR studies.